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MG Car Club

It's all about the MG's - The British Sports Car America Loved First

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MG Raffle 2020

October 08, 2020 2:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

By Dwight Dawson

Our first MG raffle was more successful than we expected. 32 members purchased 53 tickets, and we have doubled our planned donation to the Houston Food Bank to $2000. The winner, David Dodd, was selected at our live Zoom monthly meeting on October 3rd. 

David and Betty Dodd have been members of the Club since June 2019. They have a 1978 MGB that they bought new in California. It has been a super car for them and overall a great experience. They have that emotional connection we often develop for an MG and can never sell it. Overseas assignments for David meant that the car sat in lonely storage for long periods.  That car is now under restoration and will stay in the family. 

The Dodds have two daughters and now, with the 1977 MGB they have won, there are more options for feeding the need for MG ownership in the family. David purchased two raffle tickets and was delighted to win. He will be working with member Ron Redding at 5RRestorations to finalize the acquisition. Ron took time to trailer the car from the donor, check it out, and store it for several weeks in advance of the October winner selection. 

Congratulations to the Dodds! 

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Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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