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MG Car Club

It's all about the MG's - The British Sports Car America Loved First

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Unstoppable Us

September 17, 2020 9:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

by Dwight Dawson

What do 140 members of the Houston MG Car Club do in the middle of a global pandemic? Surely there is some grousing about “nothing to do,” and “why can’t I find an initiative in this club to amuse me and make me smarter about my MG?”

To the credit of our stalwart President Mike Woodward, there has been a lengthy list of “virtual events” to engage members who are interested and willing to educate themselves on how to Zoom. Examples of these internet situated activities can be seen on the website under EVENTS. Given that the average age of most active Club members is in the “endangered age group,” there can be no face-to-face gatherings that put people in harm’s way. And while nobody can argue that we must never complain or be unhappy about the way things are in our MG World, complaining doesn’t change anything except perhaps the exacerbation of already foul moods. The many virtual events that Mike has arranged, designed and expertly emceed have included Tech Sessions, Pub Quizzes, a Jeopardy Game, a Virtual Car Show, and monthly Member Meetings. Remember, Zooming is not what he signed up for but he does it!

As in pre-Covid days, not everyone can attend every event. However, an increasing number of us is taking advantage of these digital venues. Perseverance in the shutdown-ness in which we now live enables the willing individual to learn a new factoid to two about MGs and their care. Topics have included detailing and preparing your MG for a show, appropriate lubricants to use in our ancient autos, and dealing with electrical glitches.

This past Saturday, September 12th, about 25 folks tuned into our Zoom session on tires, (or tyres as Mike and Stephanie would spell them). Miles Sandy, the son of long-time member Pete Sandy, was the featured special expert on the subject of the four steel and rubber round things that we rely on when the engine starts and the clutch engages. Miles is the manager of a Discount Tires facility at SH 99 and Westpark. He shared his expertise on wire wheels and many other tire/wheel details that are unique to MGs and other vintage autos. Interestingly, Miles knows a lot what he does because he assisted his father in MG racing and other activities that required roadworthy tires and wheels. President Mike managed to direct this latest tech session even whilst (my new favorite British word) he and Stephanie were cavorting around the state providing grandparent childcare relief for their three daughters and sons-in-law. It was a great session and another one that has been recorded and available to all on the website. 

All things considered, we will all recognize the pandemic as a perfect time to begin that challenging project or difficult learning that you always wanted to accomplish. Our Club’s virtual events are a good place to start toward your breakthrough accomplishment. The virus has certainly not stopped us. When the time is right, we will rejoin fellow MG enthusiasts with a new appreciation for pressing the flesh and being in the actual presence of others with shared interests. Maybe we’ll look back and laugh… maybe not.

See you soon for another Pub Quiz on September 26th. Your minimum contribution is to prepare your very own favorite libation, just for attending. Cheers!

Contact Us:

Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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